Posting Online While Being Safe

During the course of this year students will be using the internet both in the classroom and at home. There are going to be times where students are forced to make a conscious decision on what is right and what is wrong in order to complete an assignment. Not all of the times will these choices be based on if it is ethically correct but rather is it the safest choice. Prior to starting the year and our digital exploration we are going to take a look at what does it mean to be safe online? 

A few questions that students should ask themselves before providing any information?

        Does the answer provide information about me personally that can be used to identify me?

        Can the answer give someone information into where do I live or my identification?

        Can the answer be used to unlock other accounts I use?

        Does the question seem out of the ordinary? 

The following information can be found at The Teacher’s Guide to Keeping Students Safe Online - eLearning Industry and should be reviewed by every student. Please take a moment to look over the image shown below to see if you are being safe while using the internet. 


Not only will students be monitored while in class, but your teacher is able to access your computer screen and block additional pages when you are logged in to your computer outside of school. Teachers and staff will regularly be monitoring the student's activity through the use of BLOCKSI which will allow educators the chance to remove potentially harmful pages, limit the screens that students are able to see at one time, or enforce a certain screen for a period of time. 

Remember students, smart choices online begin with you and the key to success is knowledge! 
